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Odoo Hospital solution helps manage hospitals and clinics easily and can serve as one of the best alternatives to GNU Health.

Our module is fully customizable, user friendly, highly versatile, quickly installable and completely database driven with a centralized database.

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Healthcare Management Made Productive

Odoo Hospital Management System makes it easy for doctors to manage their hospitals or clinics

The Healthcare Management solution has been crafted to meet the unique requirements of healthcare industry. Accuracy and availability of information is key to this domain’s success. Our solution ensures this with the 3 key modules :

  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Hospital Information System (HIS)
  • Health Information System
This centralized module 'allows' faster' and 'precise' to patient records which in turn helps the doctors to move in quickly in case of emergency situation. The automated systems also helps the hospital/ clinic to be more productive at lower costs.

Features of Healthcare Management

Odoo Hospital Management System makes hospital data easy to manage.

wating icon
Patient Appointments
medical test icon
Status Details
medicine icon
hospital nurse icon
Nursing plan
planning icon
Discharge Plan

Pragmatic hospital software
  • Creating appointments for patients
  • Maintaining the status of appointments
  • Adding details related to Therapeutic Diets Beliefs etc
  • Adding medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding nursing plan and discharge plan

In-patient Registration

Create/edit/delete patient data easily.

  • Creating records for Patients Admitted to the hospital
  • Adding details related to Therapeutic Diets Beliefs etc
  • Adding Medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding Nursing Plan and Discharge Plan
Pragmatic hospital software

Intensive Care

Easily manages all the ICU related data of the hospital.

Pragmatic hospital software
  • Adding patient ICU information like Mechanical ventilation History , Admission Date etc
  • Calculating Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS )
  • Calculating Electrocardiography ( ECG )
  • Calculating Acute Physiology and Chronic Health evaluation 2 ( APACHE 2 ) score


All the information related to patient's personal data can be updated easily in the Odoo Hospital Management Module

  • Creating Patient Records with Patient details like Name , Address , Gender , Birthday etc
  • Adding other information like Diseases History, Patient PSC Total, Medication given so far, Appointment History of patients, Patient Diet and Exercise details, Patient addiction Details, Patient lab Tests, Patient Genetic Risks Details, Patient Gyneco details, Patient PAP Smear details, Patient Colposcopy Details, Patient Obstetrics Details, Patient Surgery details, Patient Socioeconomic Details etc
Pragmatic hospital software


Data of Lab test reports of the patients can be easily added/edited/deleted from the Odoo Healthcare Module

Pragmatic hospital software
  • Create Lab test Requests
  • Create Draft Lab test results in the lab test templates provided
  • Enter the Lab test results in the lab test templates


New born baby details can be added/edited/deleted with the help of our Odoo Healthcare Management Module

  • The new born details like Baby's Name , gender , Length , Cephalic Perimeter , Weight , Date of birth , doctor in charge etc are maintained
  • Neonatal Signs and Symptoms like Meconium , Positive Barlow , Talipes Equinovarus ,Transversal Palmar Crease ,Syndactyly etc are maintained
  • Neonatal Reflex Check details like Grasp Reflex ,Swimming Reflex , Babinski Reflex , Moro Reflex , Sucking Reflex etc are maintained
  • APGAR Score of the Child is maintained
  • Pediatric Symptoms checklist is maintained
Pragmatic hospital software


Generation of Invoices for record-keeping purposes have become a cakewalk with Odoo Healthcare Module

Pragmatic hospital software
  • Creating Invoices for Lab test, Appointments, Prescriptions
  • Automatic Entries in the Balance sheet