Odoo Implementations
Years of Odoo Experience
Countries Served
Loved by 1000+ Enterprises

Customer Testimonials

“We replaced 14 different applications and increased revenues by 10% overnight.”

Marc Peeters, General Manager of the Vending Division


“There has been a lot of integration in just a couple of months between September and end of March, this was done very quickly.”

Cyril Cottet, IT/IS Manager


Odoo Features

The real customer centric CRM

Track leads, close opportunities and get accurate forecasts.

Modern open source online store

Awesome product pages. Mobile friendly. Easy.

Agile Project Management

Beautiful. Easy. Open Source.

MRP + Maintenance + PLM + Quality

Together at last!

Product Lifecycle Management

For modern companies.

Maintenance software

For modern manufacturers.

Quality Management

For modern manufacturers.


Define Flexible Master Data

Agile Helpdesk

For great customer service.

Online appointments made easy

Manage meetings online. Automate your scheduling process.

Create on-site & online events

Organize, publish, promote, and sell.

Email Marketing Made Easy

Design emails with just a few drag & drops.

Get more insights.

Improve the performance of your organization with Odoo Surveys.