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Voice Based Automation with Odoo

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Voice based automation with Odoo

From Sales to Accounting, “Odoo Voice Skills” enables you to get insights using Amazon Alexa devices, that are easy to deploy and personalized for your organization.

Introduction to Odoo Voice
How to Configure Odoo Voice?

Things you can say

Here are some things you can ask Alexa. First, be sure to say “Alexa”

"Do I have meetings today"
"What is my lead conversion rate this week"
"Why my opportunities are lost"
"Compare my sales of 2017 with 2018"
"Who are my top five customers in 2018"
"What is the status of Odoo project"
"Which users have no tasks assigned"
"Who are my top three customers who are giving repeated orders sorted by revenue"
"Who are my top two customers in terms of revenue in 2018"
"Check my inventory status"
"Which products are out of stock"