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Industry Specific solutions to get you launched instantly and steer ahead of the competitors


a group of doctors standing next to each other.
a woman in a doctor's coat is looking at a tablet.
a woman getting her teeth checked by a dentist.
a woman with a stethoscope and a dog.
a group of people working in a lab.


Beauty & Aesthetics

Waste Management & Recycling


a group of people standing around a counter.
a man in a bow tie standing in front of a group of people.


a collage of photos with a calculator, a stack of books,.
a group of young boys sitting next to each other.
a room with a bunch of bunk beds in it.
a group of people standing around a laptop computer.

Construction & Real Estate

two men in hard hats looking at a laptop.
a pile of money sitting in front of a house.


a man working on a machine in a factory.


a person paying something at a cash register.
a woman in an orange vest is looking at a piece of paper.


a bunch of different types of engine parts.


a large orange truck driving down a dirt road.


Household Services

Travel & Tourism

a collage of a picture of a city with a plane flying over it.
a row of green trucks parked next to each other.


Services for Companies


Advertisement & Media

Home Supplies

Office Supplies

Building & Construction

FMCG Products

Fashion Apparel & Beauty

Health Care Products

Food and Beverages

Home Care Services


Other Odoo Products

a woman holding a credit card and a cell phone.
a calculator with a barcode on the top of it.

CRM Conectors

a person holding a tablet in front of a cityscape.
a man and a woman reaching out their hands to touch a computer screen.
a screenshot of a web page with the word pipeline on it.

Odoo Accounting Connectors

two laptops and a phone on a green background.
a tablet, phone, and tablet with the word xero on it.

Meetings Connectors

two men are smiling and talking on zoom zoom.
a laptop with a group of people on it.
a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk.

eCommerce Connectors

the woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woo.

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