Dental Clinic Management System
Our Dental Clinic Management System is a product that coordinate and integrate all the activities involved in the management and running of a Dental Clinic.
Odoo Dental Clinic Management is a dedicated module built for practitioner in the field of dentistry. Odoo Dental Clinic Management can be used to record data of all patients who are visiting clinic for any type of service. Services could be of any type like Appointment Scheduling, Billing, Imaging, Treatment Plan and many more.
Features of Dental Clinic Management
Preconfigured Treatments
Patients and Appointments Data
Medical Questionnare
Medical Alert
Teeth Chart
Patient's complaints
Patient's Birthday alerts
Planned Visit Alerts
Pre-configured Treatment

System has some pre-configured list of dental treatment and user can create many more. In lab operation we can select appropriate treatment to be performed on the patient and that can be invoice-able.
List Down All Patient on One Click
Search and select is quite easy. System allows maintaining family details of the patient. While booking any appointment system allows creating new patient details on fly.
Unique patient identification number (Patient ID) allows system to check whether same number is not getting repeated against any person. This will help in maintaining correct data.


In this form user can see the patient appointments in the form of list. Here you will find that the appointment has booked with the various parameters like Appointment date, Dentist name, Room, Patient status like come with appointment or walk in and state like in chair, confirmed, sms send, completed, etc.
Medical Questionnaire
This form allows user to fill the answers of medical questions by asking it to patient and which can be update in the future.

Medical Alert

Whenever user opens patient form, system will pop up medical alert notification.
Teeth Chart
Doctor will select the teeth surface and then select the procedure for it. After selection of procedure, system will add procedure name with other details like description, tooth, surface, status, dentist name, amount and action in the list.
Once doctor click on completed and close button system will generate draft invoice against that patient.


Whatever treatment applied on the patient's teeth's, it will be listed out here. Doctor can see the complete history of patient in an operations menu.
Here doctor/receptionist will upload the x-ray images of patient and when required doctor can open it with zoom option.

Patient Complaints

This functionality allows user to log patient's complaint in the system. When user logs any complaint it will reflect in the selected patient form. Here using patient complaints form we can track the complaints and can take proper action on it.
Patient's Birthday Alerts
Here it will shows the today's (according to system date) birthday. We have configured scheduler for the birthday alert. This scheduler runs every day at defined time and checks the date of birth of every patient, if system date matches with then it will list out in the birthday alert form.

Planned Visit Alerts

Planned visits (for example oral cleaning must be performed each 3 months). If person did not visit more than 3 months, then patient name appears in the planned visit alert list.
This is the report option, from here user can generate reports. User need to select the date range here and just click on print report button.