Odoo Eye Clinic Management
Odoo Eye Clinic Management is a dedicated app built for practitioner in the field of ophthalmology. Odoo Eye Clinic Management can be used to record data of all patients who are visiting clinic for any type of service. Services could be of any type like Appointment Scheduling, Billing, Treatment Plan and much more.his can also serve as a good optometry software or an ophthalmology software.
Features of Odoo Eye Clinic Management
We provide implementation service of eye clinic management software. This can also be used as an optometry software or as an ophthalmology software by optometrists or ophthalmologists.
Book Appointment
Eye Readings
Eye Chart
Patient List
Search and select is quite easy. System allows maintaining family details of the patient. While booking any appointment system allows creating new patient details on fly.
Unique patient identification number (Patient ID) allows system to check whether same number is not getting repeated against any person. This will help in maintaining correct data. This is a very attractive feature of the ophthalmology software.

In this form user can see the patient appointments in the form of list. Here you will find that the appointment has booked with the various parameters like Appointment date, Physician name, Room, State like in draft, waiting list, still pending, done, etc. Appointments can be booked easily in the optometry software.

Eye Chart
Through appointment, patient form can be access. In patient form we have eye chart, from there you can select part of eye and treatment you want to performed. Eye charts are an attractive feature of optometry software or ophthalmology software.

Eye part selection for Treatment
You can select different parts of eyes and select related treatment.

Treatments with its status
Selected treatment can be listed out below and as per progress we can changes status of that treatment.

Completing Treatments
Once we will close this screen, operations will be saved in Patient record.

If operation is completed, it will create invoice for the same automatically.

Eye Readings
Eye reading can be taken on the optometry software or the ophthalmology software during appointment. Various type of reading can be taken for the same.

Once reading is taken, appointment status can be changed by assistant doctor to still pending to review by doctor.

Prescription can be made here for the patient, also patient complain can be maintained in comments and treatments in initial treatments.

We can make bill for appointment on clicking of create invoice button on the optometry software or the ophthalmology software.

Other Features
Other Features like Patient's Birthday Alerts, Planned Visit Alerts, Reports, Medical Questionnaire, Medical Alert for Patient critical information can be added on this module on demands. We have added that features to our dental app.
Configuration for the system
System has some pre-configured list of eye treatment and user can create many more. In lab operation we can select appropriate treatment to be performed on the patient and that can be invoice-able.

Eye Reading Master
System has some eye reading master, User can create master as per their requirement.