Pathology Lab Management System
Our Pathology Lab Management System is a product that coordinate and integrate all the activities involved in the management and running of a pathology center.
With Odoo 9 Pathology Lab Management System , Pragmatic has launched another new and advanced Product in the field of Pathology Lab Management System . This Product comes with many features like Patient information Management, Appointment Management, Laboratory Management & Invoice Management.
Features of Pathology Lab Management System
Pre-configured Lab Test

System has 9 pre-configured lab test and user can create more. In lab test request we can select appropriate test to be performed on the patient and that can be invoice.
Pre-configured Lab Test Unit
System has 14 pre-configured lab test unit and user can create many more. In lab test result we can select appropriate unit to show result.

Patients detail can be maintained

Patients detail can be maintained along with Lab Tests. Search and select is quite easy. While booking any appointment system allows creating new patient details on fly.
Appointments for lab test can be maintained
Appointments can be maintained for lab test. Test requests and results are linked with appointment. System can generate invoice based on choice. System has ability to provide concession through pricelist. We have facility to print report for both request and result.

Lab Request and Result can be maintained

Lab request and result can be maintained separately other than appointment. We can print individual as well as combined report for lab Request and Result.
Patient Billing
System provides an option to do Patient Billing against Scheduled Lab Appointment. Maintaining patient billing is simple and easy. System can generate report for the same.