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Odoo Multi Website

Odoo Multi Website opens up broad possibilities of diversification and customer segmentation for your business.

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Odoo Multi Website

With Odoo Multi Website, a multiplied audience and boosted revenue are now just a few clicks away! Each website can work in a fully independent way, with its theme, branding, domain name, header & footer, pages, languages, products, blog posts, forum, slides, events, live chat channels, etc.

Odoo Multi Website Setup

To create a new website in Odoo multi website setup, you need to go to Website ‣ Configuration → Settings. The button, Create a new website, lays in the first section.

In the upcoming prompt, set a name for your new website and a specific domain name. Leave empty to publish the new website under the default domain of your Odoo database. You can later set some country groups to redirect visitors to it using Geo IP.

Then, select a theme. This new website might have an entirely different purpose or audience than the first one. So feel free to go for a different theme! Once the theme is selected, you can start to build the homepage of your website. Follow the purple drops; they will help you in the first steps.

Create Menu

The new website has a default menu with all the installed applications. To edit it, click Pages > Edit Menu. Moving forward you can only edit the menu of the current website.

Switch from One Website to Another

There is a website switcher in the right corner of the edit bar. Switching to another website will connect to the domain of this website. If you use another domain for the website, the user is requested to sign in. When switching, you are redirected to the same domain path on the other website (e.g.,/shop/myproduct). If this URL is not used, you will be redirected to a 404 page but suggested to create a new page from there.

Add Extra Features

The website apps you install (e.g., Slides, Blogs) are made available on all your websites. You can, of course, keep them hidden in one website by removing the menu item.

Each website comes with a high range of specific options in the settings. First, select the website to configure.

Then, take a look at the options flagged with the earth icon. It means they only impact the very website you are working on.

You can, for instance, set specific :

  • Languages
  • Domain names
  • Social media links
  • Customer portal mode (B2C vs. B2B)
  • Dedicated live chat channels, etc.

The other options are global and apply to all your websites.

Manage Domain Names

As said earlier, your websites can either share the same domain name or use a specific one. If you share it and want to adapt the content per region, set country groups in the setting of each website. Visitors will be redirected to the right website using Geo IP. Geo IP is installed by default in Odoo Online. If you run Odoo on-premise, don’t forget to install Geoip library.

Customize the Visitor Experience

The customer experience can be customized very profoundly thanks to the menu *Customize*. All the visual options available there are specific to each website. Go through the different pages to adapt them to this new audience. Focus on workflows, and automatic pages (eCommerce checkout, blogs, events, etc.) as the number of available options is higher there.

Publish Specific Content per Website

Like static pages, any content created from the front-end (product, blog posts, etc.) is always only published in the current website. You can change that from the edit form view in the backend and leave the Website field blank. This will publish it in all the websites.
Here are all the objects that you can link to either one or all the websites:

  1. Products
  2. Product Categories for eCommerce
  3. Blogs
  4. Slide Channels
  5. Forums
  6. Events
  7. Job Positions

Publish a Page in all Websites

A new static page is created and only made available in the current website. You can duplicate it to other websites from website ‣ configuration → pages. To do so, leave the Website field empty.

If you want to duplicate it in just one other website, duplicate the page and set the new website.

When you edit the page again, the change only affects the current website. A new page is duplicated and tied up to the website. The original page still being linked to all websites. When you edit the page again, the change only affects the current website.


Each website can be linked to a specific company of your system, in a multi-companies environment. With such a configuration, only company-related data appear on the website (products, jobs, events, etc.).

Website editors can only view and edit the pages of the records they have access to, typically the ones belonging to their current company (and to their subsidiaries, or child companies in Odoo language). And so is it for visitors.